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Whether your travels take you across the globe or across state lines, Woodsfield Savings Bank and the Independent Community Bankers of America® (ICBA) remind consumers to plan accordingly to keep their money safe and summer vacations on track.
ICBA and Woodsfield Savings Bank urge consumers to consider the following before they depart on their next trip:
Inform your community bank of your travel plans to avoid account holds or transaction rejections when out-of-the-ordinary transactions are presented for processing or posted.
Ensure you have a chip-enabled card or contactless card, particularly if your travel plans take you overseas where chip-enabled technology is quickly becoming a card acceptance requirement for all card transactions.
Carry multiple cards with you so you have a backup. Families or couples may get even greater back up coverage if each person takes a different card.
Create transaction alerts for credit and debit cards. If you suspect your information has been compromised, contact your bank and credit card provider as soon as possible.
Bring a list of emergency phone numbers, but remember, 800-numbers can only be used in the United States and Canada. Be sure to get a number for your bank that you can call if you are out of the country.
Know the limits on how much you can withdraw, and save your receipts.
Thoroughly check any ATMs that you use. Ensure the card reader does not look like it has been tampered with. When in doubt, choose another terminal.
Lock away valuables such as passports, backup credit cards, copies of financial information and extra cash in your hotel safe.
Use social media with care. Posting your pictures or whereabouts during travel could leave you susceptible to home invaders.
Monitor charge activity. Upon returning from your vacation, review your purchases and ATM withdrawals with your bank and credit card companies.
“Remember, in the event that something unfortunate does occur, reach out to our Bookkeeping Department here at WSB, where our team is ready and able to lend a hand, call: (740) 472-1641”